A Balm for the Soul

Source: 123RF.com

So often, I wonder why I sit down, taking time out of my hectic week, to pen a reflection here on the blog.

What do I have to say that is important?
What do I have to say that hasn't been said a thousand times already (and probably better!)?
What impact could I possibly have in a world that is shouting and angry, lost and alone?
How can God use me--a fearful, weak sinner--to impart His ancient, profound, and intensely personal truths?

Maybe you feel this way, too, in whatever work God has for you, dear friend.

Well, this afternoon I had the pleasure of knitting and listening to an interview between one of my favorite Bible teachers, Nancy Guthrie, and author Rosaria Butterfield on The Gospel Coalition podcast today.

In the interview, Rosaria shared some parting thoughts that have been such a balm for my soul, and I thought might be an encouragement to you, as well. It is a prayer of sorts--a prayer that many of us believers need to speak over ourselves and our world as we seek to serve and to encourage people, both believers and unbelievers, around us.

Rosaria states:

"Do not be discouraged by what humbles you--remember that what humbles you cannot hurt you. Remember that keeping the word of God alive in the hearts of people is hard work, and it is noble work, and it is Old Testament prophet work, and it is not work that comes with a big paycheck or a “That-a boy!” or a "Thanks."  It is God’s work and it is vital and it's necessary because things are so hard right now.  The word of God is under attack and derision, and sadly not just from unbelievers, but from wolves in sheep’s clothing who claim to be believers, many of them seminary trained with letters behind their name."

She continues:

"If you are listening to this thinking, "What good can I do?”, the world can be changed through the efforts you are putting forward through faith, through grace in love with the Lord Jesus Christ.  God can breathe through that and transmute that far and wide; it is the labor of faithful saints with the sharp Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, that is going to be the healing balm of life to this world."

And she closes:

"Allow the Word of God to be your balm, allow it to wash over you, allow it to heal your hurts, and allow it to illumine your indwelling sin patterns; feel the sweet peace of repentance and the joy of trials and be transparent about that with others…"

I don't know about you, but I needed to hear that on this Sabbath afternoon.

I want God's Word to wash over me.  And I am passionate about it washing over you, too, dear friend.

I am praying for you to be transformed by the Word and Spirit of God.

You might feel all alone.

But God sees you.

And I am writing for you, praying for you, and holding you close to my heart throughout my week.

I am committed to keep sharing God's word, and will do my best in being transparent with that, as I embrace my weakness and allow God's strength to shine through me. It might be easier in some ways to not log on, to not pen my thoughts and share with you all that I am learning from the riches of God's word.  But I know my soul would just burn if I didn't speak the truth of God and His word over your life, dear friend!

May you feel the love of God on this day.  May you burrow deep into His word and may it be a balm for your soul.  I pray you would hold on tight and that you would lean in and put your full weight on the precious promises of our Savior who is able to save sinners.

It takes faith every day to sit down and write to you.

It takes faith every day to trust Jesus to save sinners--like you and me--through His word.

It takes faith every day to trust God to make us more and more like Him.

But may we press on: learning, growing, seeking, and resting in HIM.

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