The Power of Small


It always amazes me how the Christmas story can fall afresh on me in different ways each year.

One year, I was spell-bound by the gospel message visually depicted within the Navitiy Scene.

Another season, it was learning about how Jesus was my heavenly Bread, the food for my soul, as He lay in a manger (aka feeding trough).

This Advent season, "Bethlehem" keeps leaping off the page at me, and it stands above the other words in the carols we are singing at church recently.

Bethlehem was a small town in the southern nation of Judah, truly insignificant apart from the fact that it was King David's home town.

Scholars say that it didn't even make the list when Joshua conquered the Promised Land and registered the towns and cities there (check out this podcast to learn more).

"But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, those coming forth is from of old, from ancient days." Micah 5:2

It seems that it is just another example of the way God works, like how He often chooses to bless the second born son over the first.

Consider God's choice of Jacob over Esau, Ephraim before Manesseh, the youngest son David above all his older brothers.

We see over and over again how God uses the simple, the weak, the insignificant to shame the strong and the wise.

I think of Gideon, the nation of Israel (in contrast to great world powers like Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon), the boy with a few fishes and loaves, a virgin peasant girl.

The unbelievable power of small makes me marvel this Advent season, dear friend.

May God do mighty things in the small and ordinary moments of your life and mine this Christmas.

And may we marvel in the small and give Him ALL the glory!

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