Reforesting Faith

I have been fascinated by trees and what they have to teach me about faith for years.

I've been praying that my children grow to become "mighty Oaks of Righteousness" since they were little.

So imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered that there is an entire book written about the theology of trees (and by a medical doctor, like myself, I might add!)

I devoured this gem in a single day and just had to tell you about it, too, dear friend.  It is entitled Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach Us About the Nature of God and His Love For Us authored by Matthew Sleeth, MD.

If you are a nature-lover like me, I am sure this book will serve to refresh and encourage you as you follow the path of trees God laid out through the Scriptures.

I never realized that the opening and closing chapters of the Bible, the first Psalm, and the first page of the New Testament include trees. 

Nor did I ever know that most major biblical characters and events are marked by trees.

Both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ frequently called and commissioned their followers from under, or within, a tree (or bush).

A tree was the only thing that Jesus ever harmed (interestingly, a fig tree--the same kind of tree that bore the leaves Adam and Eve used to hide their nakedness from God; see Matthew 21:18-22).

And conversely, a tree--in the form of a cross--was the only thing that could harm Jesus. 

Trees teach us to take the long view of life.  They are the oldest living organisms on the earth and the largest living organism (that prize goes to a stand of aspen trees sharing the same root system in the state of Utah).  They are the only thing on the planet that gains a ring every time they do a lap around the sun. It is as though God is literally marking time with trees.

Trees make us feel small, and they remind us that compared to them, our lifespan is very brief.

General Sherman, Giant Sequoia

Trees are also symbols of hope and resurrection.  Noah's ark was built from trees, the dove returned with a branch from a tree, God's Tabernacle was made from trees (covered in gold), and we will live forever with Him at the Tree of Life in the new heavens and the new earth.

Huge biblical concepts like wisdom are compared metaphorically to trees.

"She [wisdom] is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her;
    those who hold her fast are called blessed."  Proverbs 3:18

They are one of the few things that continue to give, even in their death, as they supply us with building materials for our homes and furniture.  Does this remind you of anyone?

Trees have much to teach us about who God is and how He loves and calls us.

This brief book summary is just scratching the surface of the goodies found within the pages of Dr. Sleeth's book!

If you'd love to know more, I hope you will treat yourself to this little treasure this summer.

It makes for a wonderful summer-time, lake-side read!

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