The Art of Nature Journaling

One thing that we have REALLY enjoyed adding to our homeschool this year is the art of nature journaling. I introduced it to the kids last May, at the close of our school year.  I knew we'd be doing some biology and life sciences for the upcoming year, and I thought it would be fun to get our feet wet with nature journaling during the summer while we'd be at the lake and the beach.  What a difference it has made for us!  It is so fun and relaxing and really allows you to SLOW DOWN and take notice of your surroundings--even simple surroundings like your backyard.  And I've been a student right along with the kids!  Let me take a minute or two to introduce this art form to you with the hopes that it will encourage you and yours to give it a try, too!

First off, you will need a few basic supplies--a journal or notebook, colored pencils, a regular pencil, a pencil sharpener, and a small ruler is handy, too.  I have found that it is easiest to have a stocked zipper pouch for each person so that we can just "grab it and go" when we head outdoors.  




I also have a few resources in a drawer next to our supplies, which I keep in the den.  These can also fit in the zipper pouches for field study, too!  Our favorites are ones which help us to identify backyard trees, birds, reptiles, insects, etc.  


And finally, the next and last step is you just GO OUTSIDE, find something interesting, pick up your pencils, and start drawing!  Here are some samples from all of our art journals...

Carpenter bee, 2nd grade

Magnolia seed pod, 3rd grade

Vole Skull, 3rd grade

Leaf rubbing, Mommy

Mushroom and conifer, Mommy

Hickory nut and Sweet gum ball, Mommy

Sweet gum ball, 1st grade

Acorn, 1st grade

Leaves, Pre-K 4

There are also a some great books that will help you get inspired with nature journaling, if you want to learn more.  Here's a few that we own--I find they also double as GORGEOUS art books because they are so well illustrated!

Nature Anatomy

Nature Anatomy
Nature Anatomy

Keeping a Nature Journal
I hope this inspires you to add BEAUTY to your science and nature studies!  Give it a try and see where it takes you--you just might be pleasantly surprised like us!  Blessings!

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