Pursuing Peace In My Home

Source: steemit.com

Recently, I have been reflecting upon the atmosphere of my home, and how I can be more intentional to promote peace within its walls.  We could ALL use a little more peace in this crazy world!  The Bible says that peace is something we must actively seek and pursue: it does not just come naturally in this chaotic world where we live.

"Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."  Psalm 34:14

Fortunately, peace is something that we as believers can tap into and enjoy as children of God.  It is one of the fruit of the Spirit; our godly inheritance through Christ, the Prince of Peace.

So how do we promote peace within our home, practically speaking?

Well, let's look at this issue of peace in THREE different contexts today: our atmosphere, our attitude, and our associations (relationships).


When I picture a peaceful home, I think of a well-organized home.  I picture cozy places to sit and read or visit with others, I think of a home free from clutter.  Does this describe your house?  Where are the chaotic places or clutter-filled "hot spots" within your walls?  How can we--you and I--address those places this week?  It could be as easy as placing a basket on your stairs, so you and the kids have a place to corral all the misplaced things that need to go to a different level at the end of the day.  It might be an entryway table to place your keys and tuck your purse when you come in after work.  It could be as fast as simply walking through the main level with an empty laundry basket and doing a declutter before your children get home off the bus or your spouse arrives home from work.  

Besides decluttering, in what other ways can we create peace in the environment of our home?  I think music is a wonderful way to counteract those crazy hours of the mid-afternoon and early evening.  A few hours after our noon-time meal, I typically pick a soothing Pandora station to play in the main living area and sort of transition mentally to our family time, sports time, dinner time hours (my favorite stations are Jack Johnson, Jose Gonzalez, Iron and Wine, and Michael Buble).  If the kids are rambunctious, I suggest they go outside or down in the basement (if its raining).  I try my best to fence off a peace-filled space where we can unwind, think, and simmer down from the day.


As wives and mothers, SO much of the atmosphere in our home stems from our own personal attitude.  My mother used to say: "If MAMA aint' happy, ain't NOBODY happy!," in her thick Southern accent.  For better or worse, there is a lot of truth to this statement, my friends!  The attitude with which we go about our day-to-day chores, tasks, and responsibilities overflows into our day.  I say for better or worse because if we have a peace-filled, calm attitude, this can serve to enhance the peaceful atmosphere in our home, which is a wonderful thing!  (On the other hand, if we are anxious, impatient, and stressed, it can be very detrimental to our households).  So, I must ask, are we careful to be in the Word each day, casting our cares upon God through prayer, and renewing our hearts and minds in God's truth?  Are we intentional about caring for ourselves through our morning routines and how we choose to fuel our bodies, minds, and spirits?  Like my band director would always tell us: ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING.  If we have a decluttered home, but storm through it in a stress filled huff, yelling at our kids and complaining about our day, our family will be NO better off than if they all lived in a chaotic and cluttered home!  Let's be honest with ourselves and God, repent of our sinful and selfish attitudes, and ask Him to change our hearts (and our words!), dear friends, from the inside out.


In a discussion about peace, I would be remiss if I neglected to talk about relationships.  These can make or break our peace, and definitely impact the atmosphere of our homes, especially our marriage relationship!  Are the people you are allowing into your life those who build you up and cheer you on as you pursue God's calling on your life?  Or do they drain you and frustrate you, causing you unnecessary stress and strain?  Perhaps, dear one, you need to begin to put up some healthy boundaries in your life.  How is your marriage?  Is it thriving, close, and connected...or distant, strained, and starved?  Do you consistently take the time and energy needed to cultivate your marriage: talking with each other, going on dates without the kids, and strengthening the physical intimacy you share together?

"Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord."  Hebrews 12:14

So, how about you, dear friend?  Where can you begin to ask God to help you cultivate and pursue peace in your home today?  Is it in dealing with your clutter-filled living area?  Or by carving time out for a date night with you spouse this weekend?  What about with the words you say and how you deal with frustration with your kids?  I know I have a LOT to learn about being intentional to cultivate peace within the walls of my home, but I know that God has already been faithful to show me areas I can work on as I pursue peace, and I trust He will do the same for you, too!  May we never be content with chaos--instead, may we be diligent to pursue peace, and most of all, the Prince of Peace!

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."  Matthew 6:33  
"For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility"  Ephesians 2:14

(Note: If decluttering is your need right now, I can't say enough great things about Allie Casazza and her Minimal Motherhood and Your Uncluttered Home resources!  I have taken her free webinars, but she has many other courses you can check out here)

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