The True Glory


I don't know about you, but I love to get things done.

I love to feel like I am making an impact...a tangible, measurable, impact.

I want to feel needed, and I want my contribution to be helpful and meaningful to others.

In short, I want to be used of God to change hearts and change lives.

(If you are familiar with the enneagram personality profile, you might've just accurately pegged me as a one, a.k.a. "the reformer" personality...but I digress...)

But right now, God has me in a quiet season of ministry, not really feeling "successful" or "impactful."

Looking back to last year at this time, my husband and I were partnering with Living Water International to fund and install a fresh water well in a needy community in El Salvador.

Not so this year.

Instead, this past week's "ministry" has looked a lot like driving the kids around to swim practices and meets, buying groceries, scrubbing toilets, mowing the grass, and washing the family van.

Instead of being busy on the blog, I've been playing board games with the kids and sending out cards to friends.

This season of ministry looks pretty mundane and less far-reaching than last year, for sure.

And yet, God reminds me that it is a beautiful thing, because ministry--whatever that looks like person to person, or season to season--is not what we are to glory in.

Jesus revealed this truth when He sent out seventy-two of his followers to do ministry throughout their surrounding communities.  Jesus told them that God would provide for all of their needs, without their bringing supplies with them.  Jesus gave them power and authority to heal the sick and exorcise evil spirits.  What an exciting time for these folks, as they were used by God to do AMAZING things to further His Kingdom!  Let's check out this passage of Scripture in Luke 10, focusing on verses 17-20:
"The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!' And he [Jesus] said to them, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.'” 
For how impressive and exciting this ministry experience must have been for Jesus' followers, it is very interesting to me that Jesus instructs them to glory in their personal relationship and eternal standing with God, NOT ministry "results" and "success" as they might perceive that.

So, friend, in this quiet season of ministry, I choose to glory in my relationship with my heavenly Father, and I rejoice that He knows me and I know him.

And perhaps you need to hear this, too.

You might feel unknown and unproductive in this season of your life.

You might wonder what influence you have in God's eternal Kingdom work.

Will you join me in reveling in your eternal relationship with God today?

Ministry success may come...and go...but our connection to God through Christ is permanent.

To God alone be the glory!

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